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Infant of Prague Statues

All copes and dresses have ribbon embroidery with the Holy Name of Jesus.

The first type of statue we offer has an attached crown made of the same material as the statue itself. These infants are clothed in satin copes with handmade details.

The second types of statues we have are finished with a metal and cloth crown and a cope of brocade.

All copes and dresses have ribbon embroidery with the Holy Name of Jesus.

Postage and handling will be added to the price.

9" Composition crown & satin cope: $50

9" Metal crown & brocade cope: $55

12" Composition crown & satin cope: $65

12" Metal crown & brocade cope: $70

17” Composition crown & cope: $90

We accept orders for sewing additional Infant of Prague copes (liturgical colors or color of your choice) for any size statue

We also offer statue repairs

Please see examples of our Infant of Prague statues below: